Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The "Shiner"

So I actually kind of thought that my son would be the first
to get the "shiner" in the family but apparently I was wrong.
So the story goes as this; Ty was on duty and took the kids
to Walmart. Well, to his knowledge they were just fine and
playing happily in the cart return outside of Walmart. Where
was Ty you ask? Putting on windshield wipers not watching
the children at all. Then Tanley all of the sudden started
screaming so Ty turned around and she was holding her eye.
He picked her up to see what was wrong and her eye was all
puffy. He looked over at Talon who was sitting on the curb
quietly as a guilty culprit would.Ty asked him what had
happened and he said he pushed her into the bar. Well, so
there you have it. I have a distracted husband, a daughter
with a black eye, and a very honest son. Hahaha I had to laugh a
little and be proud that Talon was so honest however, he did get a
little lesson on not pushing and being nice to girls.


Mosers said...

Poor little cutie!! My little boy gets a wound about weekly...never a good chance for family pictures!

Nigbur Family said...

Way to go Ty!

Jenny said...

Ouchie! Husbands can be a little clueless sometimes. You gotta love it!